by Mark S. King | Mar 6, 2010 | Anita Mann and Acting Gigs, Family and Friends, Gay Life, My Fabulous Disease
I was a 19 year old gay man on vacation with my boyfriend Charlie (that’s him in the audience in the matching outfit), and Bob Barker asks, “Do you have a girlfriend?” It’s 1980, people, so don’t expect me to have come screaming out of... by Mark S. King | Mar 4, 2010 | Family and Friends, My Fabulous Disease
In this episode of my ongoing video series, Oprah reaches out to touch… me! It leads to bittersweet memories of Louise Hay (the “Hayrides” of the 1980s in West Hollywood), and of my gay brother Dick and his partner’s struggle with AIDS. Also, I... by Mark S. King | Mar 4, 2010 | Anita Mann and Acting Gigs, Family and Friends, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease
In September of 2008, my video series “My Fabulous Disease” debuted on the best HIV resource on the net, Here is that episode, which introduces me as a gay man in recovery living with...