by Mark S. King | Jan 6, 2016 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News, Prevention and Policy
They come from nearly every corner of the world. They are engaged in local communities and on the international scene. They include mothers, artists, a fugitive, a performer, and a drug smuggler. They are speaking out, acting up, and in some cases risking their...
by Mark S. King | Sep 15, 2015 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News, Prevention and Policy
Not to get all southern gothic on you, but I depend upon the kindness of strangers. Especially when producing video blogs at conferences. “Excuse me, would you please just hold this camera and point it at me while I talk to these people?” I must have said that...
by Mark S. King | Aug 18, 2015 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News
Any campaign that blends living with HIV with a sense of empowerment and joy always grabs my attention. Stigma remains one of the most damaging forces in our struggle to both combat new infections and support those of us with the virus. Australian Nic Holas 33,...
by Mark S. King | Apr 20, 2015 | Book Review, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News, Prevention and Policy
On October 1, 1991, I joined furious LGBT protestors who took to the streets of West Hollywood, California. The newly elected Governor Pete Wilson, who had met with advocates during his campaign and assured them he would support AB101, a state-wide LGBT...
by Mark S. King | Jan 28, 2015 | Book Review, Family and Friends, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease, Prevention and Policy
Before my interview with activist Sean Strub, author of Body Counts: A Memoir of Politics, Sex, AIDS, and Survival, let me share a revealing story. It was late 2011 and my life was in shambles. The breakup of a long term relationship had sent me into a spiral,...