by Mark S. King | Nov 8, 2010 | Book Review, Family and Friends, Gay Life, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease
My memorial service will be fabulous, I can assure you of that. I first outlined it during the initial, deadly wave of AIDS in the 1980’s, and have edited it here and there over the years, updating the songs I would like played or the video footage shown.... by Mark S. King | Aug 26, 2010 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease
I took more time than usual choosing an outfit this morning, because of two terribly conflicting forces. First, I was on my way to the first day of the National Gay Men’s Health Summit and, diametrically opposed to this fact, I went shopping for pants yesterday... by Mark S. King | Aug 14, 2010 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease
Stephanie’s feet are bare, and she is on a sidewalk, and she is dancing. And everything in the world is exactly as it is supposed to be. We’ve already been hanging out with each other all evening, our group of a dozen or so. I’m visiting Atlanta for... by Mark S. King | Jul 22, 2010 | Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News, Prevention and Policy
The AIDS2010 theme, “Rights Here, Right Now,” took center stage on day three, with speakers, seminars and events focused on how important human rights are the the AIDS equation. Access to health care and treatment is a human right. Women deserve rights... by Mark S. King | Jul 19, 2010 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News, Prevention and Policy
Wendy Knerr from The Pleasure Project really, really wants me to put a female condom inside my rectum. She keeps coaxing me, as if I’ll go running to the men’s room to try one on like a Ralph Lauren pullover. But her enthusiasm for the device is charming,...