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AIDS2010: The Art of AIDS

by | Jul 23, 2010 | Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, News | 0 comments

ARTofAIDSgrabEverywhere you look at AIDS 2010 (the international conference in Vienna I’m blogging), HIV is being expressed artistically. It’s as if the disease is so profound to people that simple words can’t communicate their feelings. AIDS has been a productive artistic muse over the years and is the subject of countless pieces of theater, literature, film, dance, and music.

In my video blog entry from Vienna, I’m taking a look back at art and AIDS, and a look around me, at some of the very beautiful — and very funny — “art” pieces that this disease has inspired. Could “Star Whores,” featuring the dancing sex workers of the East, be the next off-Broadway hit?


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