by Mark S. King | Apr 21, 2010 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease
Chandler Bearden’s smile is creeping through the phone during our call. I’ve just suggested that his winning the impressively sexy title of Mr. Atlanta Eagle 2010 might be a boon to his sex life, but he’s laughing it off. “Just because I won a... by Mark S. King | Apr 18, 2010 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, Prevention and Policy
A few weeks ago I spent the day at the Florida AIDS Walk, and it was striking how different it was from the Walks I attended years ago. Smiling faces, racial and ethnic diversity, baby strollers, and most of all a feeling of happiness and celebration. That’s... by Mark S. King | Apr 15, 2010 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease, Prevention and Policy
Once again, the HIV disclosure debate has heated up among prevention advocates, the media, and front-line sexually active men and women just trying to get laid. It all boils down to this: should sharing your status be morally mandatory, or does having protected sex... by Mark S. King | Apr 7, 2010 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease
Among the many online condolences to the family of Chad Noel (“Jim and Bonnie, so sorry to hear of the loss of your son…”) are glimpses of the boy this young man was, while growing up in the ironic hometown of Laramie, Wyoming (where Matthew Shepard...
by Mark S. King | Apr 4, 2010 | Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease
“I (have) always hated any suggestion that AIDS was a gift. A Mercedes is a gift.” — Mark S. King, “A Place Like This,” pg. 180 I must admit my belief that bug-chasers are an extremely elusive and exotic form of pervert that aren’t...