by Mark S. King | May 20, 2011 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease
After a lifetime of sporadic, recreational drug use, I became a full-blown crystal meth addict ten years ago, and then eventually got clean and sober in January of 2009. But why would I, or anyone as engaged in life as I was, morph into a drug addict? It seemed an... by Mark S. King | May 5, 2011 | Family and Friends, Living with HIV/AIDS, My Fabulous Disease
God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers. ~Jewish Proverb My mother raised six children, topping off this great achievement with yours truly. Yes, I’m the youngest, which explains a lot, but not all. To understand the rest, you’d have to know the... by Mark S. King | Apr 12, 2011 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, My Fabulous Disease
When I became a man, I put away childish things. — 1 Corinthians 13:11 We’re on a dirt road in the cotton fields, sitting in the back of his Plymouth. It had been my idea to stop and look at the sky, and it doesn’t come off like a sneaky move now,... by Mark S. King | Mar 8, 2011 | Anita Mann and Acting Gigs, Family and Friends, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease, News
When Mark first started My Fabulous Disease, I was pretty sure it was going to directly result in the destruction of humanity. One year later, we’re all still here. I can’t believe I lost that bet. Myles Helfand, Editor, The Body, The Complete HIV/AIDS... by Mark S. King | Feb 22, 2011 | Family and Friends, Gay Life, Living with HIV/AIDS, Meth and Recovery, My Fabulous Disease, News, Prevention and Policy
“The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.” — Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Ernest How was this judged, exactly? I was afraid you might ask. Not on the number of hits or any formal voting procedure. I relied purely on feedback received...